Freshest and highest quality map
Map views including fleet, terrain, aerial and satellit
Optimized styles for business applications
The Maps component, part of the HERE Platform for Business, provides accurate, comprehensive and highly interactive maps with traditional and specialized map views that are built for business, e. g. fleet maps for transport and logistics planning, terrain maps for geographic insights, satellite maps for contextual views.
Our Maps services let you interact with the map so you can better understand and interact with the world.
Feature Highlights
Maps services make it fast and easy to interact with and pan/zoom across map views of varying resolutions and enable display of various elements such as routes and POIs on top of the map image tiles. HERE Map services delivers features and functionalities that enable truly differentiated location experiences.
Satellite imagery
Worldwide coverage in different resolutions
Aerial high-quality color imagery with a
15 to 30 cm-per-pixel resolution
Satellite high-quality color and black & white
imagery with up to 60cm resolution (CitySphere)
High resolution imagery (CitySphere) for
select cities
Venue Maps
- Indoor maps for over 10,000 locations in over 70 countries
- PNG image tile overlays on top of the HERE map
- JSON models with access points (entry/exit), connectors (elevators, escalators), geometry and POI information
Fleet map optimized style
Optimized for transport and logistics
Map view with dimmed map colors & content
Display of highway exit numbers on lower
zoom levels
Truck attributes layer
- Display of all physical and legal restrictions for trucks
- Optimized display on the map at zoom level 14 or higher
Street Level Imagery
Panoramic imagery for over 90 cities
High-resolution view of key features
(e.g. tourist attractions, historical locations and commercial centers)
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